Mistras Eurosonic completes its range of manual scanners: the Runner Atlantic.
Designed for TOFD or Phased Array control in the marine industry, it can pass over an 80 mm wide weld without any problem.
Designed for TOFD or Phased Array control in the marine industry, it can pass over an 80 mm wide weld without any problem.
Mistras completes its Ultrasound product line dedicated to monitoring (SHM) with the new 8M-PLC system!
The addition of a motorized turntable in an immersion tank allows to work on revolution parts
Are we compatible with LINUX ? YES without hesitation.
The Scripting tool allows to execute Python code from Euroscan V via a console or remotely via a TCP console.
Mini-Scan XY is a small lightweight gantry designed to perform automatic planar movements with encoder outputs.
Simple, light and practical, it allows to make a TOFD acquisition very quickly.
Il ne faut qu’un port USB de libre pour installer notre module Ultrasons UTC 110 sur tout type d’ordinateur (Windows) et permettre à l’enseignant de partager son écran via ZOOM, TEAMS..
The ULTRAPAC range, which includes all of our ultrasonic cells, now offers the possibility of performing high frequency C-scan mapping up to 100 MHz.
Mistras Eurosonic has implemented a solution for the automatic verification/characterization of your Ultrasonic transducers.